Genius Child: Sustainability and Performance Report


Overview bee

Genius Child is committed to providing tools, techniques, and consultation services related to the mental health of children and parents. As part of this commitment, we have worked to make our website more sustainable and efficient, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and improving loading speeds.

Sustainable Website Hosting:

We have migrated the Genius Child website to a sustainable hosting provider that uses renewable energy sources. This has helped to reduce the website's carbon footprint and aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability.

UI/UX Revamp:

We have revamped the website's UI/UX to make it more sustainable and user-friendly. This involved reviewing the design and code of the most frequently visited pages and identifying areas where we could reduce energy consumption without compromising the user experience. We also made recommendations for improving the overall sustainability of the website, such as using more energy-efficient colors and reducing the use of images and videos.

Load Time Optimization:

We conducted a thorough assessment of the website's code and identified areas where we could optimize it to reduce the amount of data that needed to be loaded. This helped improve the website's load time, which not only provides a better user experience but also reduces the amount of energy required to load the site.

SEO Optimization:

We worked on making the website more SEO-friendly by optimizing the website's code and content to improve its search engine rankings. This helps increase the visibility of the website and attract more organic traffic, which can reduce the need for paid advertising and further reduce carbon emissions.

Core Optimizations:bee

Services Description

Sustainable Website Hosting

Migrated website to a sustainable host that uses renewable energy

UI/UX Revamp

Reviewed design and code of most frequently visited pages and made recommendations for reducing energy consumption without compromising user experience.

Load Time Optimization

Conducted assessment of website code and optimized it to reduce amount of data that needs to be loaded.

SEO Optimization

Optimized website code and content to improve search engine rankings and increase organic traffic.

Core Optimizations: bee

Services Before Score After Score Optimization

Overall Score


The high score is a result of the various optimizations made to the website to improve its performance, efficiency, and sustainability.

Emissions per Page Load


The low emissions per page load were achieved by reducing the page weight and optimizing the use of scripts, images, and other media assets.

Page Weight


The page weight is significantly smaller than the average web page, which contributes to faster loading speeds and reduced emissions.

UX Design


The UX design was revamped to make it more sustainable, without compromising the user experience. This involved using more energy-efficient colors and reducing the use of images and videos.

Green Hosting


The website is hosted on a sustainable host that uses renewable energy, which helps reduce the website's carbon footprint

Carbon Score


The high carbon score is a result of the various optimizations made to reduce the website's emissions and improve its sustainability.

Digital Carbon Rating


The website received an "A" rating in digital carbon rating system, which indicates that it has a low impact on the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions bee

A: Sustainable website hosting refers to powering a website with renewable energy, rather than fossil fuels. By migrating Genius Child's website to a sustainable host, we were able to reduce the website's carbon footprint and significantly decrease the amount of CO2 emissions associated with it. This helps align with Genius Child's mission to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.

A: UI/UX design can play a significant role in reducing the carbon emissions of a website. For Genius Child, we reviewed the design and code of the most frequently visited pages and identified areas where energy consumption could be reduced without compromising the user experience. We also made recommendations for improving the overall sustainability of the website, such as using more energy-efficient colors and reducing the use of images and videos.

A: To optimize Genius Child's website for faster load times, we conducted a thorough assessment of the website's code and identified areas where it could be optimized to reduce the amount of data that needed to be loaded. This helped improve the website's load time, which not only provides a better user experience but also reduces the amount of energy required to load the site.